A Complete One Day Itinerary For Saint Petersburg, Russia
Palace Square Saint Petersburg
This is among the most impressive and luxurious structures in the entire world. After about three centuries, the Palace Square is still the primary attraction. It is the red square of St Petersburg, in its meaning and popularity.
How to see Saint Petersburg in one day

St Petersburg’s Winter Palace is undoubtedly the house with multiple faces. It depicts the signs of imperial tyranny. The palace was built by Peter the Great, extolled by Catherine II. This historical Winter Palace inspired decadent art and also class animosity that would permanently reshape Russia. It has also represented a hospital, museum, and bureaucratic space in the new world. This palace comes with a touch of elegance, weirdness, and fear.
Best sights of Saint Petersburg to see in one day

St. Isaac’s Cathedral in Saint Petersburg

The massive size and luxurious interior at your first glance are jaw-dropping. You will also enjoy a panoramic sight of the city when you climb to the top.
Church of the Savior
The architecture of the Church of the savior is one of a kind in St Petersburg as it portrays the blood spilled from Czar Alexander II.

He abolished slavery in Russia just a couple of years before Lincoln abolished slavery in the USA. . The Church was developed by his son on the spot where he died and bled. He created a model similar to that Red square, depicting the Red Basil, which comes with domes of several colors that would startle each time it is viewed from the Griboyedov Canal like it is about to rise. You can visit a little flea market in the church shade where icons such as busts of Lenin, Stalin, and Czars are sold.

Peter fortress
This is the location where the foes of the reign of Czar, which includes Peter’s son, were tortured to death after being suspected of treason. The citadel, also known as the Fortress of Peter and Paul, is located strategically on the Zayachy Island where the initial stone was laid.

It was used against internal forces like Lenin’s brother, who was killed by hanging for sedition. This jail is currently used as a museum, yet, the cells remain dark and depressive. Tourists don’t linger, and one can easily imagine the punishment and suffering experienced by its inhabitants.
Nevsky Prospekt
Nevsky is undoubtedly among the most fabulous streets in the world. It is about 4.5 kilometers long from eastern Alexander Nevsky to western Admiralty. It is hard to find a building as far back as 1917 in Nevsky Prospekt. The street features the Baroque Stroganov Palace, the elegant Art Nouveau Singer structure, the 18th-century Gostiny Dvor shopping arcade, the statues of the Horse Tamers on the Anichov Bridge, and the bent neoclassical colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral.

Furthermore, Nevsky Prospekt features an exciting and thrilling atmosphere and energy, particularly in the summer. Irrespective of the hour, Nevsky always bubbles with its numerous bars and cafeteria that offers the possibility of enjoying a Live theatre.
Kazan Cathedral
The Kazan Cathedral is a duplicate of Rome’s St Peters Cathedral, just a short walk along the Griboedov canal on the Novel Prospekt . A trendy symbol of St Petersburg is the Cathedral of our Lady Of Kazan. The architectural inspiration came from St Peters Basilica in Rome. The stone used to build and decorate it originates in Russia, unlike “made in Italy” granite and marble so popular among czars. Travertine is the primary material used for decorating the Cathedral and was extracted very close to St Petersburg. This stone is the same as the travertine from Italy used for the construction of St Peters. Travertine features a porous structure that can be easily handled and utilized to cover the external walls, casings, and friezes of the Cathedral.

The interior part of the temple is divided using columns made of granite to three popularly known hall corridors with flower paintings on the ceiling and the floor made of pink and gray Karelian marble form a mosaic. According to famous sayings, the complexity of the construction work was not the reason for the lengthy period of constructing the Cathedral. Still, it was the prediction of the death of Montferrand once the construction is complete.

As a matter of fact, one month after the consecration of the Issac, the architect died. Still, his last wish of being buried inside the temple was not granted. The coffin containing the architect’s body was taken around the Cathedral before handing over the remains to his widow, who took it to Paris. Locals claim that Montferrand’s ghost is wandering around the Cathedral, trying to enter the temple, but not daring to.
Saint Petersburg- the city of world class museums, white nights, gastronomy heaven, and some unique city tours is a must-visit. And one day os probably not enough to enjoy it fully. Looking for more cool things to do in St. Petersburg? Check out this blog!